Know Your Remakes: Coen Bros. Reboot John Wayne Classic "True Grit"

Hollywood has had a decades-old obsession with the Wild West, though recently the box office has offered more vampire and zombie flicks than good ol' American Westerns. The Coen Brothers, mastermind directors behind modern classics like No Country for Old Men, Fargo, and The Big Lebowski, are serving up a remake of a classic American story with a bit of grit - True Grit, that is. Starring Jeff Bridges (The Big Lebowski, Crazy Heart) and Matt Damon (the Bourne trilogy, The Departed), the film is set for a Christmas release. Check out the trailer:

If the guns and adventurous terrain didn't clue you in, then the Johnny Cash-propelled soundtrack MUST give you an idea that this film will be, in a word, badass. And how could it not be, with Jeff Bridges reprising the role originally played by John Wayne? Admittedly, the original 1969 flick had a bit less grit, but you can judge for yourself.

But hey, that was the 60s. In the two months we have to suffer until the new film's release, I highly recommend viewing the original, as well as getting into the True Grit spirit by picking up classic Wild Western music. Perhaps some Bob Wills? He and His Texas Playboys should set the mood for you until December 25th roles around. So in the meantime, sit back, brush up on your John Wayne flicks, and enjoy some Western Swing brought to you by Lost Gold Records.

Happy listening!

Alisa Hathaway
October 2010

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Anonymous said...

mm boy do I love me some coen bros films. Always a pleasure!

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